Bruce Forbes - sax
Chris Coulter - trombone
Jane Carpenter and Vanessa Blocksidge - vocals
Michael Hoelscher - drums
Nat Trimarchi - vocals/ guitar
Ray Moynihan - bass
Cassette cover art - Gavan Fenelon
All songs except "This Deregulation" recorded live and mixed by Peter Weeks at the Edward Street Theatre,
109 Edward Street Brisbane on 25th, 26th, and 27th September 1986.
All songs written by Nat Trimarchi.
This project was assisted by the Music Board of the Australia Council.
Thanks go to the unionists interviewed who gave their time and thoughts, and to the musicians and other professionals above who donated their time,
expertise, friendship and good humour.
(NOTE: These recordings are in the process of being restored and upgraded. No downloads, reproduction or broadcast of any kind is permitted without permission.
© Nat Trimarchi. All rights reserved
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