Bush Video (May 1973)

This interview was shot with members of Bush Video during the Aquarius Festival in May 1973. Bush Video was a prominent group using video as an experimental art form in the early 1970s in Australia. It was an informal, collective organisation built on the spirit of collaboration and a passion to explore new frontiers.

The prominent voice is that of Jack Jacobson (aka "Fat Jack", the proprietor of Fat Jack's Technology Shop) with other Bush Video members chiming in with their jokes, comments and perspectives. Bronwyn Barwell is conducting the interview and asking the questions.

The general theme explored in this interview is the prediction that "film is dead" which history has proven to be true in nearly all respects. However, traditional film production still dominates in the commercial feature-film industry and will likely remain so for some time to come. Nonetheless, digital video has had an overwhelming impact for most other applications and in nearly all other markets, particularly for television and of course for world-wide-web dissemination (the reason you are seeing this interview streaming on your computer today).

Bush Video was set up by the experimental filmmaker, Mick Glasheen, who had been involved with video since 1968. He was approached by the organisers of the Nimbin Aquarius Festival to provide video access to festival participants. Bush Video applied for funding to buy equipment and also to build a cable network throughout the town of Nimbin. This was the very first experiment in cable television in Australia.

Bush Video members include Mick Glasheen, Doug Richardson, Jack Meyer, Joseph El Khouri, Mark Evans (aka Ariel), Jack Jacobson, John Kirk, Melinda Brown, Phillipa Cullen, Jonny Lewis, Ann Kelly and Martin Fabinyi. Others involved in Bush Video activities include Stephen Jones, Roger Foley, Ron Saunders, John Voce, Brian Williams and Tom Zubrycki.

Listen to the interview with Bush Video (8 minutes 26 seconds)


The original 16mm film was scanned to a full-aperature 2K DPX sequence (Digital Picture eXchange) with a resolutoion 2048 x 1556 pixels as an Archival Master for its long-term preservation. The archival Audio Master is either uncompressed WAVE or AIFF.