"Blockade Demo" 12 May 1972

A Super-8 film of the "Blockade Demo" that marched through Brisbane city on 12th May, 1972 (6' 28").

It was called a "blockade" demo because US President Nixon had just ordered the blockading (bombing and mining) the harbour of Haiphong which is a major port and third largest city in North Vietnam.

A few days before this on May 8th, Nixon had defended his decision in a televised speech to the nation and the world. On this same day (May 8th), 150 students marched without a permit to central Brisbane in protest.

Two days later, on May 10th, there was another (earlier) "blockade demo" with about 200 protestors marching from the university to the Du Pont offices in Toowong resulting in clashes with police.

The next day, there was a molotov cocktail thrown at the building that did a considerable amount of damage (May 11th). It unintentionally damaged the floor below the Du Pont offices.

In this film shot on May 12th, about 800 marched to the U.S. Consulate resulting in violent clashes with police. I recall being roughed up a couple of times in scuffles while filming. There were 23 arrests that day.

Copyright (images): Peter C. Gray

Music copyright: Pink Floyd Music Ltd. - "Pigs" (Three Different Ones) [2011 Remastered Version].