"This video documentary tells the story of the democratic rights struggle from August until Christmas 1977 during the export of uranium and ban on street marches imposed by the Bjelke-Petersen government in Queensland, Australia. It shows the resistance to the export of Uranium from Hamilton No 4 wharf in Brisbane and the thousands of arrests that followed." (Ian Curr).
The documentary was produced by the Media Committee of the Queensland Democratic Rights group (Leslie Mannison, Joseph Monsour and Ian Curr).
It was edited at the Griffith University video unit on one-inch (SMPTE A-format) tape in December 1977 and was first screened publicly in early 1978.
They shot most of the footage on a Sony 1/2-inch "port-a-pak" field recorder (EIAJ-1 format). There are also off-air broadcasts recorded from television news at the time. Plus some black & white 16mm footage shot by Mick Fanning (now head of the ABC's camera department in Brisbane).
The title of the documentary was inspired by the Redgum song of the same name. This video was restored by miracle worker, Stephen Jones, in Sydney.