Queensland Dossier

A documentary shot in various places around Queensland in 1978 linking Bjelke Petersen's ban on street marches with the State's repression of opposition to uranium mining and Land Rights (44 minutes).

Jeune Pritchard describes the making of Queensland Dossier...

Description of the documentary from Filmnews, May 1979...

Those appearing in the video include:

John Freeland Queensland Teachers Union, Jill Calvert, Jenny Barry, Ian Viner Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (1975 - 1978), Malcolm Fraser, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Larry Lanley Tribal Council, Prince Ascot, Ted Butler Department of Aboriginal and Islander Affairs (State), John Omond Department of Aboriginal Affairs (Federal), Annie Chong, Charles Porter Queensland Minister for Aboriginal and Islander Affairs, Rona Joyner.

Produced by Jeune Pritchard and Luc Pelissier
Super 8 footage: Marian Redmond
Additional footage: Megan McMurchy
Videotape editor: Stephen Jones
Editing Facilities: N.S.W. Institute of Technology, Media Centre
Graphics: Shirley Martin
Made with assistance from the Australian Film Commission, 1978
Distribution: Sydney Filmmakers Co-operative
Completed February 1979, Sydney

Original format is 3/4-inch U-matic BVU (high band) colour video.

An earlier version of the documentary was screened in the Ozone Cinema, Paddington Town Hall, Sydney on 9 July, 1978. The final version was released upon completion around February 1979.

Video restoration by Stephen Jones 2014.