Starting in 1993, Women In Voice enjoyed humble beginnings at an upstairs venue in Brisbane's West End called The Sitting Duck Cafe. The idea was to provide public exposure by showcasing talented Brisbane women singers. It was an immediate success.
Over the next 20 years Women In Voice has continued to grow and evolve achieving ever more impressive goals, including performances at major venues and tours.
"Women In Voice is a phenomenon. A courageous concept showcasing talented female vocalists in an upfront, uncomplicated manner, resulting in the liveliest, funniest and one of the longest-running series Brisbane has ever produced."
"Not many well-intentioned series have lasted so long or changed so many performers' lives, so let's hear it for Women In Voice, and for another innovative 20 years."
This 24 minute video featuring the amazing Christine Johnston was produced by Debra Beattie. The original recording is on Betacam SP tape with technical assistance and camera work by Brian Doyle. It was recorded at a Women In Voice event at The Sitting Duck Cafe in 1994.
Click to play the entire Christine Johnston segment (24 minutes)